Clean Fuels Conference 202

EPA: Biodiesel, Ethanol Numbers Up

John Davis

The latest numbers from the EPA say biodiesel and ethanol production is up. For May, biodiesel production hit 135 million gallons, putting it on target to hit more than a billion gallons this year and to exceed annual volume requirements under the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS). Weekly ethanol production averaged 885,000 barrels per day or 37.17 million gallons daily, up 12,000 barrels per day from the week before and tied for highest weekly average of the year to date. The ethanol industry is projected to hit 13.52 billion gallons of production this year. The news was welcomed by the green fuels’ respective industries.

From the National Biodiesel Board:

nbb-logoBiodiesel, an EPA-designated Advanced Biofuel that has surpassed RFS targets for two consecutive years, is reported under the Biomass-based Diesel category under the RFS.

The numbers show a total of nearly 140 million gallons of Biomass-based Diesel for May, but that total also includes production of renewable diesel. The biodiesel portion of the total was 135 million gallons – putting year-to-date biodiesel production through the end of May at nearly 504 million gallons.

And the Renewable Fuels Association:

RFA-logo-13Stocks of ethanol stood at 16.3 million barrels. That is a 1.0% decrease from last week. Imports of ethanol were 38,000 b/d, down from last week. Gasoline demand for the week averaged 373.5 million gallons daily. Expressed as a percentage of daily gasoline demand, daily ethanol production was 9.95%

The RFA also points out how it is supporting corn farmers, using 13.419 million bushels of corn to produce ethanol and 98,769 metric tons of livestock feed, 88,053 metric tons of which were distillers grains.

NBB says its industry is supporting some 50,000 jobs across the country.

Biodiesel, Ethanol, Government, NBB, RFA