Clean Fuels Conference 202

City of Temple Switches to Propane

Joanna Schroeder

The City of Temple, Texas has transitioned 11 fleet vehicles to run on propane autogas in partnership with CleanFuel USA. The City estimates that each propane autogas vehicle annually will emit 1,295 pounds less of carbon dioxide emissions and displace 1,600 gallons of conventional fuels while saving between $2,500 and $3,000 in fuel costs. Last year the City converted five fleet vehicles to run on propane and installed an onsite fueling station.

gI_81061_CityofTemplePhoto“Propane autogas fits our Sustainability Management Plan perfectly since the fuel offers substantial savings and allows us to operate a cleaner fleet with a domestically produced alternative,” said Ashley Williams, sustainability and grant manager for the City of Temple. “CleanFUEL USA has been an essential propane autogas partner—from implementing our station to converting our vehicles.”

The transition to propane autogas is part of the City’s Sustainability Management Plan, which details a process of converting the majority of its fleet to an appropriate alternative fuel. The plan commits the City to a clean, safe and healthy environment by exercising sustainable practices that focus on environmental and economical stewardship. The City’s fleet department is committed to this plan by working to achieve the following plan-related goals: reduce energy costs and consumption, prevent pollution, increase energy efficiency, and decrease reliance on non-renewable resources.

The project was funded in part by a grant from the U.S. Energy Department’s American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. Texas State Technical College serves as the lead grantee of the funds, which support the development of a national propane autogas refueling network, incentives to convert school buses and other fleet vehicles to alternative fuels, and training for green jobs. This initiative will help displace millions of gallons of petroleum annually.

“Our neighbors at the City of Temple are leaders in the movement toward reducing our nation’s foreign fuel consumption with the use of propane autogas,” said Curtis Donaldson, founder and CEO of CleanFUEL USA. “We are proud to provide them—and fleets of any size or specification—with the platforms to help achieve their economical and sustainable goals through our propane autogas offerings.”
