Clean Fuels Conference 202

Advanced Biofuels Companies Gaining Momentum

Joanna Schroeder

According to new research from Environmental Entrepreneurs (E2), dozens of states in the U.S. are now homes to advanced biofuels companies. There are now more than 80 advanced biofuel companies, refineries and related operations located in at least 27 states. Top states are California, with 30 companies, Illinois (8), Colorado (6) Texas (5) and Iowa (4).

A searchable map and state-by-state breakdown of companies involved in the advanced biofuels industry is a centerpiece of a new website launched by E2. The site is a clearinghouse for information on how clean fuel companies are driving economic growth, and includes reports that examine the growth and potential of the domestic biofuel Clean Fuel Companies E2industry; fact sheets about the industry and videos and other stories that spotlight American biofuel companies in action.

E2 says the biofuel market could be worth more than $60 billion within the next decade and more than 18,000 jobs could be created by the 26 biorefineries that are expected to open by 2015. The website also details how advanced biofuels can be produced sustainably without competing with food. As the stories of many biofuel companies show, farmers are discovering new revenue opportunities for their agricultural waste; companies are developing new technologies to make fuels cleaner and biofuel refineries are popping up nationwide.

“We’ve got the resources, the knowledge and the technology to put our country on a path to meet our transportation needs with cleaner fuels,” said Mary Solecki, clean fuels analyst at E2. “The type of innovation we’re seeing in the biofuel industry is what makes America great.”

There are many ways states can integrate clean fuels into their mix, according to Solecki. Some states use tax incentives, while others like California and Oregon have a Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS). California’s Alternative and Renewable Fuel and Vehicle Technology Program (AB 118) also has been especially helpful in getting companies to open new operations inside California.

“States that will benefit the most from this promising and important industry are those that support sound clean fuel policies,” added Solecki. “States that ignore this growing economic development opportunity risk missing out in the future.”

advanced biofuels, Renewable Energy, Research