A 20-year veteran of Madison, Wisconsin radio, talk show host Sly – Madison’s Mid-day Maverick, is promoting E85 to and from the Democratic National Convention. Sly is blogging his experience daily.
“People that know nothing about E85 chant that ridiculous slogan ‘No Food for Fuel’,” Sly said. “Seems to me that America has the space, energy, and talent to grow food and fuel responsibly and hopefully inthe process never have to go back to the Persian Gulf for our sustainability.”
Sly drove from Madison to Denver in his Chevy Suburban fueling up with E85 on the way. “My first fill-up was at Zarco 66. . . . This was the Rosetta Stone of gas stations. Not only did they have E85 but every other possible boutique fuel, even bio-diesel. I even used their environmentally conscience car wash, they probably don’t see many Suburbans venture through there. Again the fuel was much cheaper than standard petroleum. The E85 website has been a big help finding these great stations. Most of them are convenient to the interstates or major highways.”
Sly’s daily blog can be found at http://slystriptodenver.blogspot.com/. His radio show can be heard week days from 10 a.m. – 2p.m. on Madison 1670 The Pulse.