According to the Wisconsin Corn Promotion Board, the state’s new “Alice in Dairyland” will be driving a fully loaded 2008 GM Tahoe. The vehicle is being offered to the state’s agricultural ambassador, Ashley Huibregtse, by the Wisconsin Corn Promotion Board and General Motors.
“It’s very appropriate that our state agricultural ambassador starts her year-long, statewide drive at an ethanol plant and that she does so driving our ethanol-fueled car,” says Ken Rosenow, Wisconsin Corn Promotion Board President and corn grower from Oconomowoc. “Having Alice in Dairyland drive the Wisconsin Corn Promotion Board’s E85 Chevy Tahoe while she promotes agriculture across the state is the perfect symbol of how corn-based ethanol drives our state’s economy in an economical, fuel-efficient and renewable manner.”
As a public relations specialist with the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Alice in Dairyland annually travels the equivalent of a trip around the world during her 12-month tour, driving an ethanol capable E85 Chevrolet Tahoe donated by the Wisconsin Corn Promotion Board.
This vehicle is one of the many that GM will be offering as a cost-free lease to states that belong to the Governor’s Ethanol Coalition. This is the third year of General Motor’s promotion.
Currently, Wisconsin boasts 114 E85 fueling stations throughout their state.