Clean Fuels Conference 202

Ethanol Report on Ethanol’s Role in Gas Prices

Cindy Zimmerman

E85It was the main topic of the president’s press conference today and Congress will be holding hearings on it this week. From the president to the people at the pump, everyone is talking about higher gasoline prices these days, but ethanol is actually helping to keep them lower than they could be.

In a new RFA Issue Brief, the Renewable Fuels Association has analyzed the data to provide background information on the downward pressure exerted by domestic ethanol production on gasoline prices.

Ethanol Report PodcastThis “Ethanol Report” features an interview with Renewable Fuels Association (RFA) Vice President for Research and Analysis Geoff Cooper on just how ethanol does it. From ethanol’s lower cost at the wholesale level to how it reduces oil demand and prices and provides a cost-effective source of octane, Cooper says “there’s no argument that ethanol is playing a significant role in holding gasoline prices lower than they would be otherwise.”

Listen to or download the Ethanol Report here: Ethanol Report on Ethanol's Role in Gas Prices

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Audio, Ethanol, Ethanol News, Ethanol Report, RFA