Best of 2011 on Domestic Fuel

Cindy Zimmerman

2011 was a pivotal year for the Domestic Fuel industry.

The renewal of the biodiesel tax incentive at the end of 2010 led to record production this year and a renewed optimism for the industry. Meanwhile, the ethanol industry saw the approval of E15 in newer vehicles at the beginning of the year, although it has yet to make it to the pump, and the end of 2011 means the end of the Volumetric Ethanol Excise Tax Credit and associated import tariff. 2011 was also a great year at the races, with NASCAR fueled with 15% American Ethanol.

The most popular renewable news stories on Domestic Fuel this year included:
Newt Gingrich wows IRFA Summit
Future of Ethanol Tax Policy
Renewable Energy surpasses Nuclear

Joule wins WSJ Award
Study Shows E15 OK in Older Vehicles
Royal Wedding Car Runs on E85
Wind Industry takes steps to Protect Wildlife

Traffic was up another 3.5% in 2011 on Domestic Fuel with a total of almost 325,000 unique visitors. We also now have nearly 1700 followers on Twitter (@DomesticFuel). There were over 1320 posts on Domestic Fuel this year, including 140 with audio interviews, podcasts and recorded press conferences. We covered the Iowa Renewable Fuels Summit, National Biodiesel Conference, National Ethanol Conference, Advanced Biofuels Leadership Conference, USDA and EPA Tour of REG, NASCAR STP 300 in Chicago, STP 400 in Kansas City, Iowa Corn Indy 250, Garnett Ethanol Boat Race, Fuel Ethanol Workshop and the RFA Sponsorship of the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally.

As we enter a new Domestic Fuel era, we wish all of our readers, sponsors and friends a healthy, happy, prosperous and blessed new year!

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