New Web Site Offering Alternatively-Fueled Trucks

John Davis

There’s a new web site out there that could make it a little easier for truck operators looking to get away from diesel and start running on compressed natural gas (CNG) and liquefied natural gas (LNG).

James Blakely… JB… is a former truck driver, heavy equipment mechanic, and truck sales professional and has put his expertise with the need for CNG and LNG trucks to create

altec-boom.jpgI am honored to be able to say I have worked for Carmenita Truck Center for over sixteen plus years. In that time I have had the opportunity to assist business owners and fleet managers with supplying and designing trucks to make their businesses more efficient and profitable.

I still serve many of my original customers from 1991. I view myself as your business partner. If your business is successful and grows, so will mine. I would be privileged to add you to my list of happy customers.

We currently offer the Autocar product with a factory installed Cummins ISL-G engines. I have built these for applications including: aerial booms, utility cranes, dump and water truck bodies and more. Almost any truck body can work with either CNG or LNG as their fuel type.

Check ’em out at!
