Missouri Governor Matt Blunt has joined the ranks of the chosen few who are test driving the Ford Escape Hybrid. Ford has produced just 20 of its hybrid-electric, flex-fuel Escapes that can run on E85 fuel and Ford Manager Tony Reinhart made the presentation to Blunt last week at the Missouri State Fair. Blunt says the specially-equipped Escape will help promote his Missouri Renewable Fuel Standard, which outlines that all fuel sold in the state will have to contain 10% percent ethanol by January of 2008. The Governor pointed out that Missouri is the fourth state to have such a requirement. The hybrid, flex-fuel also meets Blunt’s executive order that requires at least 70% of new vehicles purchased by the state to be flex-fuel vehicles.
Listen to Tony Reinhart, Governor Blunt and Missouri Corn Grower’s Association Education Director Gary Marshall here during the presentation: