A wind farm four times bigger than what’s currently in operation is slated for construction in Texas.
According to this article on TechnologyNewsDaily.com, Shell WindEnergy and Luminant have announced they will build a 3,000 megawatt facility in the Texas Panhandle:
The proposed wind facility would be located in Briscoe County to take advantage of excellent wind resources and a relatively low cost of transmitting the wind power to wholesale markets. The two companies will also explore using compressed air energy storage, which uses electric fans to force air into underground caverns, compressing it, and usually involves employing the compressed air as an oxygen source for a gas turbine. The companies did not announce a timeline for either project. Luminant was formerly called TXU Power and is a subsidiary of TXU Corporation.
The current world’s largest wind farm is also in Texas… the 735-megawatt Horse Hollow Wind Energy Center, completed by FPL Energy, Inc. in late 2006.