Clean Fuels Conference 202

Connecticut Passes Biodiesel Heating Oil Bill

John Davis

A measure that would require all diesel heating oil in Connecticut to contain a biodiesel blend by next summer has cleared that state’s legislature and is headed to the governor’s desk.

Biodiesel Magazine reports the measure will step up the amount of biodiesel, starting at 2 percent on July 1, 2011:

In 2012, the mandate increases to B5; in 2015, B10; in 2017, B15; and finally, in 2020, Connecticut will require 20 percent biodiesel in all heating oil.

The bill also requires the sulfur content to be reduced to 15 parts per million by 2014.

There are some caveats to this legislation. First, Governor M. Jodi Rell needs to sign the bill before it becomes law.

In addition, the article says that the state must be able to produce at least 50 percent of the annual mandated volume of biodiesel, and similar measures must pass in New York, Rhode Island and Massachusetts.
