Clean Fuels Conference 202

Constellation Energy Buys Maryland Wind Project

John Davis

Constellation Energy has finished a deal to buy the 70-megawatt Western Maryland Criterion wind project from Clipper Windpower, Inc.

This Constellation press release says the deal includes purchasing 28 Clipper Liberty 2.5-megawatt wind turbines for the project:

“Maryland’s clean energy goals are among the most ambitious in the nation and we’re committed to working with the state to achieve them by investing in an array of solar, wind, biomass and other sustainable energy projects,” said Kathleen W. Hyle, senior vice president, Constellation Energy, and chief operating officer, Constellation Energy Resources. “The market for clean energy products and services is growing rapidly in Maryland and across competitive energy markets nationwide. Investments in sustainable energy sources improve the environment by reducing carbon emissions, spur much-needed job growth and allow us to broaden our clean energy product offerings for customers.”

The project has entered into a 20-year power purchase agreement with the Old Dominion Electric Cooperative for energy and renewable energy credits produced by the wind facility. Old Dominion is a not-for-profit wholesale power provider serving public electric cooperatives in Maryland, Delaware and Virginia.

The project is expected to be operating commercially by the end of this year.
