Members of the Renewable Fuels Association have donated more than $70,000 to the American Red Cross to help victims of the earthquake in Haiti.
RFA president and CEO Bob Dinneen announced the donation during a luncheon at last week’s National Ethanol Conference in Orlando. “The story may have slipped from the front pages of the newspaper, but it has not slipped from the hearts and minds of the men and women who work in this industry,” Dinneen said. He publicly thanked those ethanol producers and organizations that donated to the fund – Absolute Energy, The Andersons, Big River Resources, Chippewa Valley Ethanol, Golden Grain Energy, Illinois River Energy, Iowa Renewable Fuels Association and the Renewable Fuels Foundation.
Donations are still being accepted. Members of the ethanol industry who would like to contribute should send a check made out to the American Red Cross to the RFA office in Washington, DC.