Clean Fuels Conference 202

Chief Ethanol Celebrates 25 Years

chief_ethanol_fuelsChief Ethanol Fuels is celebrating their 25th anniversary this month in Hastings, Nebraska. An open house will be held on Monday, November 23 at the plant and will include keynote speaker, Senator Ben Nelson.

The site was originally constructed by American Diversified Corporation and then bought by Chief Industries in 1990. It was the first production facility in the state. In the past 25 years, production has increased from 10 million gallons per year to approximately 70 million gallons per year today, thanks to several expansions that began in 1993 and continuous improvements today.

Todd Sneller, administrator of the Nebraska Ethanol Board, said that the Chief Ethanol Fuels plant was Nebraska’s initial stake in the ground in terms of declaring ethanol as a major economic development initiative for the state. “Nebraska has a unique combination of corn, cattle and ethanol,” said Todd Sneller, administrator of the Nebraska Ethanol Board. “Agriculture is the economic engine that drives Nebraska, and ethanol is adding value in very powerful ways that reverberate throughout our state. It is important that we continue to support and develop this industry for the good of Nebraska and for the good of our nation. Chief Ethanol Fuels has been a pioneer and leader in the state’s ethanol industry.”

Sneller added that the outlook for the sustainability of the ethanol industry is good. “Corn producers continue to grow more corn on less land and with less water—and ethanol producers continue to squeeze more ethanol out of a bushel of corn with less energy and less water,” he said. “Efficiency will improve profitability and will continue to position ethanol as a key component in America’s energy and economic future.”

Senator Nelson’s remarks will begin at 1:00 p.m. on November 23 followed by Bob Eihusen, president of Chief Industries and Duane Kristensen, general manager of Chief Ethanol Fuels. Tours of the plant will then follow.

corn, Ethanol, Ethanol News, News