The New Mexico House has passed a measure that would require all diesel vehicles to use at least 5% biodiesel. Under Rep. John Heaton’s bill, all state agencies and public schools would be required to buy the 5% blend starting after in about three years. All diesel vehicles, public and private, would have the requirement after July 1st, 2012.
The Las Cruces (NM) Sun-News reports the measure tries to quiet some critics who worry that biodiesel won’t be available or will become too expensive:
The bill authorizes the New Mexico Department of Agriculture director and the secretary of the Energy, Minerals and Natural Resources Department to suspend sale of biodiesel for up to six months.
To suspend the requirement, both directors must find that sufficient amounts of biodiesel are unavailable to meet demand or the price of the fuel blend significantly exceeds the price of diesel for at least two months.
As we reported earlier, the National Biodiesel Board says there are 35 states with 135 biodiesel-related bills pending. The New Mexico measure now moves on to the state senate.