Don’t miss out on the 29th annual Alcohol School, being held in Montreal, Quebec September 13-18, 2009. The course is designed to educate students on proven technology and advances in fuel ethanol and distilled beverage production. Students have the opportunity to attend either Fuel or Distilled Beverage lectures taught by leading industry scientists and academics, as well as Ethanol Technology Institute experts.
The European and North American programs are designed for lab, plant, and management personnel and during the week classes will be taught in both the classroom and the lab. With a rapidly changing industry, Alcohol School can help you keep you apprised of the latest ethanol and distilled beverage technology. You also have the opportunity to network with other experts in your field.
There are early bird registration rates through Augusst 17. Register now and receive a free copy of “The Alcohol Textbook, 5th edition” which is a detailed guide to fuel and distilled alcohol production . Can’t attend the school? You can order your copy of the textbook here.