EPA Releases Final Rule for E15 Waiver Delay for SD and OH

Cindy Zimmerman Leave a Comment

The Environmental Protection Agency has released the final rule to extend the date for Ohio and nine counties in South Dakota for year-round E15.

In response to a request from the Governors of Ohio and South Dakota, EPA renewed the extension of the effective date of the removal of the 1-psi volatility waiver because the agency “finds that there would be an insufficient supply of gasoline in Ohio and nine counties in South Dakota if the removal of the 1-psi waiver were to go into effect as currently required on April 28, 2025.”

Therefore, we are renewing the extension of the effective date by one year to April 28, 2026, for the entire state of Ohio, and the following nine counties in South Dakota: Butte, Custer, Fall River, Harding, Lawrence, Meade, Oglala Lakota, Pennington, and Perkins.

“This goes back to some of the fear-mongering from the petroleum industry,” said Robert White of the Renewable Fuels Association in a recent interview. “There was an actual statement that if South Dakota continued down the path with these seven other states, that there would not be fuel available west of the river…unfortunately the governor fell for that and asked for the delay.”

White says that is why a legislative fix through Congress for year-round, nationwide E15 is so important.

Classic 25 - Robert White, RFA 10:27

Audio, E15, Ethanol, Ethanol News, Renewable Fuels Association, RFA

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