Clean Fuels Conference 202

Heartland Energy Sells Dogwood Stills

Cindy Zimmerman

HeartlandHeartland Energy Group Inc. of Louisiana is setting up the backyard still.

Dogwood A press release from Heartland announces the receipt of ethanol production equipment from Dogwood Energy, LLC (see previous post).

Heartland Energy will exclusively sell and market Dogwood’s full line of ethanol stills and related ethanol products in the Louisiana territory. In addition, the agreement grants Heartland Energy, first option rights to the territories of Arkansas, Texas, and Oklahoma.

According to Heartland Energy Group under the agreement Flex Fuel America, Heartland Energy’s product sales and marketing subsidiary, will represent Dogwood’s full line of products including the home- and farm-based ethanol still, Bio-Diesel Production kit, and several ancillary alternative energy related products. Ethanol can be produced through a home-based distilling process utilizing ethanol stills. These stills enable the annual production of ten thousand gallons of ethanol for home-based stills and ten million gallons for larger commercial based stills.

Biodiesel, Ethanol