First Timers at ACE Fly-in

Cindy Zimmerman

L-R: Benjamin Bremmer, IL FFA officer; Kathy and Bill Howell, and Rep. Eric Sorenson (D-IL)

This year was the first time Bill and Kathy Howell attended the American Coalition for Ethanol DC Fly-in and they welcomed the opportunity to meet with Congressional lawmakers and staff to talk about ethanol.

Howell just became manager and CEO of Adkins Energy, an ethanol and biodiesel production facility in northwest Illinois, about six months ago after a four year hiatus from the ethanol industry. “In some respects it feels like its a rebirth for biofuels,” he said. “With the carbon intensity issues and how we can get that carbon down in our gen one plants and what does the future look like as we start to talk about aviation fuels and other fuels in the future.”

One of the visits the Howells were able to make on the Hill was to freshman Congressman Eric Sorenson (D-IL) who was appointed to the agriculture committee.

Listen to an interview with the Howells.
ACE-DC 23 Bill and Kathy Howell, Adkins Energy (3:31)

2023 ACE DC Fly-in Photo Album

Find more audio from the ACE Fly-in here:
ACE Fly-in Virtual Newsroom

ACE, Biodiesel, biofuels, Ethanol, Ethanol News