Clean Fuels Conference 202

Senator Klobuchar Fires Up ACE Fly-in Participants

Cindy Zimmerman

Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN), co-sponsor of both the Consumer and Fuel Retailer Choice Act of 2023 and the Next Generation Fuels Act in the Senate, left the American Coalition for Ethanol DC Fly-in participants fired up after a day of Capitol Hill visits.

Specifically the Retailer Choice Act would address the number one priority for ethanol right now, which is year-round sales of E15 nationwide. “There is absolutely no argument for not doing that. We were doing it, it was going fine, and then the court steps in, and then we did it for the summer – I mean, come on! It’s just a ridiculous situation.”

Listen to the senator’s remarks here:
ACE-DC 23 Sen. Amy Klobuchar (16:06)

2023 ACE DC Fly-in Photo Album

Find more audio from the ACE Fly-in here:
ACE Fly-in Virtual Newsroom

ACE, E15, Ethanol, Ethanol News