Honda has introduced the world’s first flex-fuel motorcycle. No surprise, the CG150 Titan Mix, is being sold by a subsidiary of Honda in Brazil, a country that really leads the world in biofuels production.
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The 150cc motorcycle is equipped with a Mix Fuel Injection System, a newly developed fuel supply and fuel injection control system that enables consumers to use a flexible mixture of environmentally-responsible bio-ethanol and gasoline fuels, hence reducing CO2 emissions and fuel costs.
In Brazil, penetration of flexible-fuel technology is well advanced, and approximately 90% of new automobiles sold there are equipped with flexible-fuel technology. As the first flex-fuel motorcycle, the BRL 6,340 real (USD$2700) CG150 TITAN MIX looks certain to grab a hug chunk of the market, and Honda expects to sell in excess of 200,000 units a year – approximately 10% of the market – in the first year. In 2008, Honda sold approximately 1.326 million motorcycles in a market with 1.91 million units.