Clean Fuels Conference 202

Field to Fuel Student Video Contest Open for Entries

Cindy Zimmerman

The Nebraska Ethanol Board is now accepting entries for the 6th annual Field to Fuel video contest, which encourages Nebraska high school students to explore the importance and value of ethanol.

With a focus on educating the public about renewable fuels, students are asked to research, film and edit a two-minute video for a chance to one of three prizes, including a $1,000 grand prize for their school or organization. Eligible videos must be received and/or postmarked no later than Jan. 31, 2021.

The contest is open to all Nebraska high school students in grades 9-12 and can explore any aspect of ethanol, including agriculture, science, sustainability, and renewable fuels’ impact in improving the environment and Nebraska’s economy. Teachers who would like more information about how to introduce ethanol into their curriculum (all ages) can explore the Ethanol in the Classroom resources from the Nebraska Ethanol Board website.

More information and requirements can be found here.

Education, Ethanol, Ethanol News