Badger State Ethanol (BSE) in Monroe, Wisconsin is starting 2020 by passing the 1 billion gallon milestone at its 85 million-gallon-per-year facility. BSE began production in 2002 with a nameplate capacity of 40 million gallons per year.
To put 1 billion gallons in perspective, Erik Huschitt, CEO and General Manager of BSE, said, “In a vehicle that gets 23 miles per gallon, you could go around the earth 923,000 times and at 60 miles per hour, it’d take you 43,750 years to complete.”
Although the ethanol industry has had more than its fair share of challenges over the past year, Huschitt said reaching this milestone is a great opportunity to accentuate the good ethanol brings to local communities and the agricultural economy, as well as his appreciation for the support the company’s received along the way.
Badger State Ethanol is a member of the Renewable Fuels Association (RFA) and Huschitt serves on the board. “All those involved in the operation, from investors to staff, should be very proud of the hard work they all put into a facility that supports the community around them. The company supports dozens of good jobs, adds value to locally grown crops, and plays an important role in providing consumers with cleaner and more affordable fuels at the pump,” said RFA President and CEO Geoff Cooper.