Clean Fuels Conference 202

EPA Hearing in Michigan Today

Cindy Zimmerman

Ethanol and biodiesel producers and industry representatives are back in Ypsilanti, Michigan for the second time in three months to provide comments on an Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) proposed rule. On July 31, it was the rule to set 2020 renewable volume obligations (RVOs) and the 2021 RVO for biomass-based diesel, where the majority of comments focused on whether EPA should account for small refinery exemptions (SREs).

This time, the topic is how EPA has proposed it will account for those waivers.

Specifically, the agency is seeking comment on projecting the volume of gasoline and diesel that will be exempt in 2020 due to small refinery exemptions based on a three-year average of the relief recommended by the Department of Energy (DOE), including where DOE had recommended partial exemptions. The agency intends to grant partial exemptions in appropriate circumstances when adjudicating 2020 exemption petitions. The agency proposes to use this value to adjust the way we calculate renewable fuel percentages. The proposed adjustments would help ensure that the industry blends the final volumes of renewable fuel into the nation’s fuel supply and that, in practice, the required volumes are not effectively reduced by future hardship exemptions for small refineries.

The hearing will begin at 9:00 a.m. EST and end when all parties present have had a chance to speak. EPA has provided call-in information for interested parties to listen to the hearing.

Biodiesel, biofuels, EPA, Ethanol, Ethanol News, RFA, RFS