National Biodiesel Day Celebrates Industry Growth

Cindy Zimmerman Leave a Comment

Despite many challenges, biodiesel and renewable diesel have seen extraordinary growth in recent years, and Clean Fuels Alliance America is celebrating that progress today on National Biodiesel Day.

March 18 is the birthday of Rudolf Diesel, who invented the diesel engine and was a proponent of using plant oils to fuel vehicles and one of the forefathers of the biodiesel industry.

“Rudolf Diesel set out to change the world,” said Clean Fuels CEO Donnell Rehagen. “He was a fierce advocate for the use of vegetable and nut oil as fuel. He saw it not only as a tool to break up the oil monopoly but as an opportunity for economic growth in rural communities.”

Today, that vision is being realized like never before. Biodiesel and renewable diesel consumption hit the 5-billion-gallon mark last year for the first time and are now 9% of America’s diesel fuel supply.

Biodiesel, Clean Fuels Alliance

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