On Friday the Environmental Protection Agency announced a final rule to extend the March 31 deadline for Renewable Fuel Standard compliance reporting for 2024.
The rule also updates the definition of “biodiesel” in the program to reference the most recent ASTM quality specifications, and Clean Fuels Alliance America expressed disappointment in response.
In December, EPA proposed a partial waiver of the 2024 cellulosic biofuel standard, anticipating a shortfall of available cellulosic (D3 or D7) RINs. EPA further proposed to delay compliance until the next quarterly reporting deadline, to give obligated parties an additional 90 days to plan 2024 compliance strategies. EPA today is taking no action on the partial waiver but is deferring the 2024 compliance deadline for an unspecified period until it finalizes a decision on the waiver.
“The biomass-based diesel industry needs policy certainty that supports our continued growth and significant contribution to American energy security,” said Kurt Kovarik, Clean Fuels’ Vice President of Federal Affairs. “In response to the proposed waiver of cellulosic volumes, Clean Fuels asked EPA to make decisions on outstanding small refinery exemptions to assess the potential impact on 2024 RIN availability. It is frustrating that EPA is delaying important program decisions and adding to uncertainty for our industry.”