The latest data from the Energy Information Administration show U.S. ethanol production hit a record 16.22 billion gallons (bg) in 2024, spurred by rising domestic consumption and record exports of 1.92 bg, according to the Renewable Fuels Association (RFA).
Domestic usage increased to 14.26 bg, the highest level since 2019, reflecting the continued expansion in the number of retail stations offering E15, together with waivers by the Environmental Protection Agency allowing E15 to be sold year-round. Ethanol exports surged increased by more than 500 million gallons, or 37%, over 2023.
“The official EIA data released today confirm that 2024 was a banner year for the U.S. ethanol industry,” said RFA President and CEO Geoff Cooper. “Our nation’s ethanol producers helped lead the way toward American energy dominance, achieving record highs for both production and exports. The industry is excited to build on this success in 2025 by working with the Trump administration to rapidly expand domestic consumption and continue growing exports to international markets.”
For comprehensive information about 2024 exports, please see RFA’s U.S. Ethanol Trade Statistical Summary
At the recent National Ethanol Conference, RFA General Counsel Ed Hubbard moderated a panel on export opportunities with Everett Eissenstat with Squire Patton Boggs and Ryan LeGrand, U.S. Grains Council President and CEO, to examine the macro-level outlook for global trade under the new Trump Administration, as well as specific challenges and opportunities for expanding ethanol exports.
RFANEC Expanding Exports panel (45:18)