RFA Reports 2024 Ethanol and Distillers Grains Exports

Cindy Zimmerman

New statistical reports released this week by the Renewable Fuels Association show ethanol export volume and overall export value hit record highs last year.

According to the reports, the value of the U.S. ethanol industry’s exports rose to a peak of $7.5 billion in 2024, fueled by a record 1.91 billion gallons of ethanol exported in 2024. Meanwhile, distillers grains shipments registered at 12.2 million metric tons, the second highest ever.

“2024 proved to be a terrific year for exports of renewable fuels and coproducts as the entire world saw the value of these American-made goods,” said RFA President and CEO Geoff Cooper. “Our industry’s export sales made a remarkably positive contribution to the U.S. trade balance, while boosting farm incomes and supporting communities across rural America. As countries around the globe embrace ethanol as a low-cost solution for improving air quality and reducing carbon emissions, RFA will continue to pursue and protect trade opportunities in a free or fair manner.”

As detailed in the ethanol trade summary report, the 1.91 billion gallons exported in 2024 represented an increase of over 36 percent over 2023. The value of U.S. ethanol exports surged to $4.3 billion, a record high. Shipments to Canada set an annual record for a single destination, tallying over 674 million gallons. The United Kingdom, European Union, India and Colombia were also sizable markets.

The distillers grains trade report showed exports totaled 12.2 million metric tons in 2024, representing 37 percent of domestic production. Export volumes were valued at $3.2 billion.

Cooper commented on the record exports in a recent Ethanol Report podcast where he also talked about the need to work with the new administration on trade barriers in Brazil and China in particular.

RFA CEO on record ethanol exports 3:50

Audio, Distillers Grains, Exports, Renewable Fuels Association, RFA