Preview of 2025 Clean Fuels Conference

Chuck Zimmerman

One of the first events of 2025 is the annual Clean Fuels Conference, formally the National Biodiesel Conference, coming up January 20-23 in San Diego, CA with the theme: Accelerate.

“We chose Accelerate as the theme just because so many aspects of our industry are speeding up right now,” said Heather Buechter, Director of Communications for Clean Fuels Alliance America. “We’re just growing and gathering momentum at this point in our history.”

Buechter says they are very excited about the conference agenda. “Since we will be in California and the state plays such a critical role to the clean fuels industry, we’re going to kick off things with a California dreaming panel,” she said. “It’s worth noting that biodiesel and renewable diesel now make up 75% of California’s diesel pool under the low carbon fuel standard. So we’re excited that the head of the California Air Resources Board, also known as CARB, Dr. Steven Cliff has accepted our invitation to speak, so we’re excited to hear from him and also have a panel just on California and the impact that that state has on the clean fuels industry.”

Learn more about the 2025 Clean Fuels Conference on the website and hear more about it in this interview. Follow coverage of the conference on the Clean Fuels Conference Blog.
Interview with Heather Buechter, Clean Fuels

advanced biofuels, Audio, Biodiesel, Clean Fuels Alliance, Energy, Soybean