Angie Craig Elected House Ag Ranking Member

Cindy Zimmerman

Rep. Angie Craig (D-MN) was elected Tuesday to serve as Ranking Member of the House Committee on Agriculture, replacing David Scott of Georgia.

“I just won my D+1 district by nearly 14 points because my farmers and rural constituents know that I’ll meet them where they’re at, I’ll listen to their concerns and I’ll work with whoever I can to improve their lives,” said Craig in a statement. “My focus will be on improving people’s lives – not scoring political points. We can lower food and energy costs for consumers. We can strengthen the farm safety net and open the doors of opportunity to new and beginning farmers. And we can ensure that nutrition assistance programs are available for the Americans who need them.”

Agriculture groups were quick to praise Rep. Craig. “Rep. Craig has been a close ally of farmers in general and fierce advocate of corn growers in particular. We are thrilled by this development and look forward to working with her in the year ahead as we advance legislation important to our growers,” said National Corn Growers Association president Kenneth Hartman.

Rep. Craig has been a strong advocate for ethanol and has been consistently working toward year-round E15 nationwide by promoting legislation such as the Consumer and Fuel Retailer Choice Act.

Ethanol, Ethanol News, farm bill, politics