ACE Ethanol Today Releases 2025 Editorial Themes

Cindy Zimmerman Leave a Comment

The American Coalition for Ethanol (ACE) recently issued its lineup of 2025 editorial themes for the bimonthly industry trade magazine Ethanol Today. Since the launch of an enhanced digital platform last year at — the publication aims to further expand its online presence in the coming year and offer additional print and digital magazine advertising opportunities.

“The response has been positive since we revamped Ethanol Today’s look and introduced a more robust digital experience for our readers,” said Katie Muckenhirn, ACE Vice President of Public Affairs. “We’re excited to keep growing this digital presence and invite companies interested in engaging with the biofuels industry to explore opportunities via our online forum.”

Upcoming editorial themes for Ethanol Today include insights into ethanol industry policy and regulatory priorities under the next administration and Congress, as well as business optimization, the expanding use of ethanol, efforts to promote higher blends, climate-smart farming practices within Low Carbon Fuel Standard markets, and expanded export opportunities.

The publication reaches every ACE member, including every ethanol plant across the U.S. and the offices of each member of Congress.

ACE, Ethanol, Ethanol News

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