RFA Reports Membership Growth

Cindy Zimmerman

The Renewable Fuels Association had a growth spurt this week, adding three new associate members to its rolls. The new companies are Nataqua, iRely, and Antora Energy

Nataqua is an early-stage company transforming CO₂ into ethanol with innovative technology that utilizes CO₂ gas, liquid water, and affordable industrial electricity. Their efficient process converts CO₂ exhaust streams directly into ethanol, which is then integrated into pre-distillation mixtures to enhance ethanol concentrations and reduce distillation costs.

iRely‘s agribusiness software offers a comprehensive, integrated platform tailored to the needs of agricultural businesses. It supports various operations, including grain origination, feed management, crop inputs, agronomy, and farm retail. The software streamlines processes like contract management, inventory control, risk management, and traceability, all while providing real-time data and analytics.

Antora Energy delivers zero-emissions industrial heat to predictably and profitably decarbonize industrial operations. Factory-built in the United States, Antora’s thermal batteries convert low-cost, intermittent renewable electricity into reliable process heat, substantially lowering CI scores and future-proofing energy costs. Antora is actively working with ethanol facilities across the U.S. to decarbonize their process heat and electricity using local wind power.

RFA President and CEO Geoff Cooper welcomed the new members and says they reflect RFA’s ongoing commitment to championing innovative and sustainable energy solutions while driving the advancement of the renewable fuels sector.

Ethanol, Ethanol News, Renewable Fuels Association, RFA