Clean Fuels Conference 202

ACE Grassroots Award Goes to Randy Gard

Cindy Zimmerman

ACE CMO Ron Lamberty presents Grassroots Award to Randy Gard, Bosselman

The American Coalition for Ethanol presented its Grassroots Award this year to Randy Gard, COO, Bosselman Enterprises.

The strength of ACE is in our collective grassroots members and ACE provides this award to devoted individuals who work behind the scenes to advance the cause of ethanol. In addition to behind-the-scenes work with USDA on the HBIIP program and being involved in state legislation affecting ethanol and fuel marketers in Nebraska, Gard recently helped shape and pass legislation to incentivize Nebraska retailers who offer ethanol blends of 15% or higher.

“ACE and other organizations have been instrumental for a retailer like Bosselman to understand HBIIP and the benefits of offering higher ethanol blends,” Gard said. “At the end of the day, we’re in the business of making money. The cornerstone of any convenience store is fuel, and we chase pennies. Higher blends help us offer lower prices, attract new customers, sell more gallons, make more money on those gallons and we’re better off for it. Without HBIIP and Nebraska’s higher blend tax credit legislation that passed a few years ago, we probably wouldn’t be offering ethanol to the extent we do today.”

Interview with Randy Gard, Bosselman Enterprises – Grassroots award winner
ACE 24 Randy Gard, Bosselman Ent. 4:04

Gard gave a presentation at the ACE Conference and participated in a panel discussion with ACE’s Ron Lamberty and USDA HBIIP manager Jeff Carpenter.
ACE 24 Higher Blends Infrastructure panel and awards 57:34

2024 ACE Annual Conference Photo Album

ACE, ACE Ethanol Conference, Ethanol, Retailers