Ethanol and DDGS Exports Down But Still Strong in June

Cindy Zimmerman

The latest export figures for the month of June were lower than the previous month but still strong for the year, according to the latest report from the Renewable Fuels Association.

U.S. ethanol exports hit a record high for the month of June, reaching 145.9 million gallons (mg), though this marked a 6% decline from May. Shippers targeted just thirteen markets, with the largest share heading to Canada for the 39th consecutive month. Our neighbor imported 44.7 mg (93% denatured fuel), which is 25% less than May and the lowest volume for the year. Exports to the United Kingdom accelerated, increasing by 144% to 25.8 mg (64% denatured fuel). Other significant markets included the European Union (16.7 mg, +17%), India (14.7 mg, up from nearly zero), Colombia (12.2 mg, +52%), the Philippines (9.3 mg, -42%), and Mexico (8.2 mg, +55%). U.S. ethanol exports for the first half of 2024 total 962.8 mg, a remarkable 41% increase compared to the same period last year.

In addition, exports of dried distillers grains (DDGS) dropped 7% in June to 945,592 metric tons (mt). Exports to Mexico, our largest DDGS market for the sixth straight month, were up one percent from May. Exports rose 2% to South Korea, 19% to Indonesia, and over 30% to China, the largest volume since January 2022. However gains were offset by reduced shipments to Vietnam, the European Union, Canada, Colombia, and Japan.

Distillers Grains, Ethanol, Ethanol News, Exports, Renewable Fuels Association, RFA