NASDA CEO Ted McKinney Sees Potential in SAF

Cindy Zimmerman

Former USDA Under Secretary and currently CEO of the National Association of State Departments of Agriculture Ted McKinney is optimistic about the future of sustainable aviation fuel as a market for U.S. biofuels, provided they have the opportunity under the upcoming 45Z tax credit.

“Our ethanol and our soy diesel and renewable diesel and all the folks that are doing some of these things know what the rules of the road are,” McKinney said, referring to efforts to cut carbon emissions. “I remain optimistic because the excitement of doing right by the environment and lifting up farmers and we’ve all heard Mr. Vilsack correctly say, my goodness, we’ve got to lift the smaller farmer up. That’s our future, at least part of it. So I remain hopeful that wisdom will prevail.”

But he admits that politics will likely play a role. “The oil and gas lobby is very alive, very well and very strong and everybody is getting in the ear of Secretary Yellen’s Treasury,” said McKinney.

One of the main messages McKinney had for attendees of Tech Hub LIVE in Des Moines this week was that he believes we can address climate change globally with climate smart agriculture and still increase productivity. “Production ag, including forestry, is actually a solution to climate change challenges,” said McKinney.

“I have been witness on our own farm and in my industry days to the advancement of innovation across the board,” he said during an interview after his address. “And based on what I have been hearing and then what I saw at this conference in the types of companies here and what they’re doing, it’s mind blowing. So I’m juiced because I see it has not stopped. In fact, I’d say innovation is accelerating.”

In his remarks and interview, McKinney also comments on the lack of a farm bill, technology, and trade issues.

Ted McKinney, National Association of State Departments of Agriculture (NASDA)
2024 THL Ted McKinney, NASDA, remarks 51:49
2024 THL Ted McKinney, NASDA, interview 13:19

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Audio, aviation biofuels, Biodiesel, Ethanol, SAF, technology