Ethanol Report on EV Push Back

Cindy Zimmerman

The Renewable Fuels Association and National Farmers Union have joined in a lawsuit challenging the Environmental Protection Agency’s light- and medium-duty vehicle emissions standards, which they say essentially mandate battery electric vehicles while ignoring other technologies such as low-carbon ethanol and flex fuel vehicles.

In this edition of the Ethanol Report, RFA president and CEO Geoff Cooper discusses the lawsuit and others like it that question the legal authority for EPA to even take such an action, and how RFA is demonstrating the real world value of higher ethanol blends combined with hybrid technology on the road.

Ethanol Report 6-21-24 17:25

The Ethanol Report is a podcast about the latest news and information in the ethanol industry that has been sponsored by the Renewable Fuels Association since 2008.

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Audio, Electric Vehicles, EPA, Ethanol, Ethanol News, Ethanol Report, Renewable Fuels Association, RFA