Sustainable Aviation Caucus Created in Congress

Cindy Zimmerman

Representatives Sharice Davids (D-KS) and Dusty Johnson (R-SD) this week announced the creation of the Congressional Sustainable Aviation Caucus (CSAC).

Co-chaired by Davids and Johnson, the caucus will work to reduce the aviation industry’s environmental impact and maximize its financial sustainability. By accessing federal policy, holding forums, and bringing together public and private partners, the caucus will play a key role in the integration of new technologies into the nation’s aviation network.

“The aviation industry is flying towards a more sustainable future. From sustainable aviation fuel to Advanced Air Mobility to hydrogen aviation, there are a lot of shifts we can expect to see in the coming years,” said Rep. Johnson. “Congress should advance legislative priorities that support innovation through biofuels, national security, and passenger safety.”

Numerous initiatives are underway to advance sustainability goals through the adoption of sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) and the integration of technologies that improve aircraft fuel efficiency, reduce emissions, and save money in the long run. The CSAC will provide a forum to stay informed about these initiatives and to assess the policies, processes, and resources needed to further environmental gains, enhance fuel supply resiliency, and strengthen national security.

biofuels, biojet fuel, Ethanol, Ethanol News, SAF