Clean Fuels Conference 202

Groups Pleased with Biofuel Provisions in BBB Act

Cindy Zimmerman

Farm and biofuel organizations are grateful this Thanksgiving Day week for key provisions in the Build Back Better (BBB) Act, which passed the House on Friday and was sent to the Senate.

The Renewable Fuels Association, Growth Energy, the National Biodiesel Board, National Corn Growers Association, and National Farmers Union sent a joint letter to the chairs of the House and Senate agriculture committees thanking them for efforts to “build new markets for farmers and biofuel producers and help lower the carbon intensity of agriculture.”

“One of the most pressing challenges facing biofuel producers is ensuring that consumers have consistent access to higher-level ethanol and biodiesel blends, which are lower carbon and lower cost than petroleum fuels. The Biofuel Infrastructure and Agriculture Product Market Expansion provision in the BBB Act helps address this issue and contains much needed funding to ensure consumers have access to these fuels,” they wrote in reference to $1 billion allocated to upgrade refueling and distribution infrastructure meant for higher blends of ethanol.

Advocates also pointed to lifecycle analysis illustrating how improved farm practices continue to drive down the carbon intensity of farming, and therefore the overall carbon intensity of biofuels.

Ag group, Biodiesel, Ethanol, Ethanol News, Renewable Fuels Association, RFA