Wrap-up Report on Sturgis Motorcycle Rally Activities

Chuck Zimmerman

RFA st Sturgis Motorcycle RallyThe Renewable Fuels Association has completed its on-site activities at the Buffalo Chip Campground during the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally. To wrap things up I talked with Robert White, VP of Industry Relations, RFA. Official numbers of bikers is not ready yet but looks like it could be a record.

The educational and promotion activities and sponsorships that RFA invests in has helped more and more people understand ethanol better, especially as it relates to pumping it into the tank of their motorcycles. But putting more gas blended with ethanol into motorcycles is just part of the ultimate value of this project. All of these people in Sturgis and at The Chip will be going home to talk with friends and neighbors and they all have cars, trucks, lawn mowers, boats and other gas powered equipment which can run on an ethanol and gas blend.

Robert say there was a steady flow of bikers filling up their gas tanks at the Free Fuel Happy Hours promotion this week. They pumped hundreds of gallons of fuel each day and handed out great t-shirts like the ones in the photo. This event offered the perfect opportunity to talk directly with motorcycle owners about ethanol and to answer their questions. I’ll be sharing some more interviews with bikers about this in coming days. So, take a listen to my interview with Robert to learn more.

Wrap-up Interview with Robert White, Vice President of Industry Relations, Renewable Fuels Association
PlayInterview with Robert White, RFA


There are lots of photos from this year’s event and activities. I hope you enjoy them and feel free to share. 2021 Sturgis Motorcycle Rally Photo Album

Audio, biofuels, Ethanol, Ethanol News, Renewable Fuels Association, RFA