NBB Members Highlight Policy Priorities

Cindy Zimmerman

The National Biodiesel Board delivered a letter to Congressional leaders this week signed by more than 50 companies outlining the industry’s policy priorities as industry representatives met virtually with lawmakers in the annual NBB Advocacy Day Fly-in.

Industry priorities include maintaining tax incentives for low carbon biofuels, supporting infrastructure to deliver more clean fuels to consumers, and optimizing the Renewable Fuel Standard to maximize environmental benefits. “As Congress develops legislation to address the nation’s infrastructure, climate and economic priorities, we ask that you support continued growth of the biodiesel and renewable diesel industry. U.S. biodiesel and renewable diesel producers are meeting America’s need for better, cleaner transportation fuels right now. We are also generating economic, environmental and health benefits for many states and communities,” the letter states.

The letter highlights the $17 billion annual economic impact of the biodiesel and renewable diesel industry, which employs more than 65,000 Americans. It also highlights the carbon benefits the industry delivers. In 2020, the United States used 3 billion gallons of renewable diesel and biodiesel, which achieves an average 74% reduction in carbon emissions compared to petroleum diesel. The industry also touted a recent study demonstrating the substantial reductions in health care costs and outcomes that communities can achieve by switching to biodiesel. The Health Health Benefits Study from Trinity Consultants Study from Trinity Consultants is available on the NBB.org website.

Biodiesel, NBB