Clean Fuels Conference 202

US Ethanol Groups Support Canada Clean Fuel Reg

Cindy Zimmerman

The Renewable Fuels Association (RFA), U.S. Grains Council and Growth Energy submitted joint comments regarding Canada’s proposed Clean Fuel Regulation.

“The proposed regulation takes a market-based approach to driving carbon reductions in the Canadian fuels market, providing an attractive model for other countries to follow,” the organizations said. “Canada should be applauded for showing global leadership on the implementation of a clean fuel standard, and it is encouraging to see both the United States and Canada taking steps to slash greenhouse gas emissions from transportation. Renewable fuels have already played a crucial role in jump-starting decarbonization efforts in both countries, and policy initiatives like Canada’s clean fuel standard will further accelerate those efforts.”

In separate comments filed by RFA, Vice President for Regulatory Affairs Kelly Davis stressed support for Canada’s technology-neutral approach to reducing carbon-based emissions and the important role ethanol can play. “Ethanol is already reducing climate change emissions from the transportation sector and there is room for more growth,” wrote Davis. “RFA believes that renewable fuel, especially ethanol, can further decarbonize passenger cars and light-duty trucks today. Promising research and development initiatives show ethanol can also power medium-duty and heavy-duty engines in the future as well.”

RFA also reiterated the call for more information on Canada’s proposed lifecycle analysis model and for Canada to consider reciprocity, or an efficient conversion process for the ability to use other LCA models currently utilized in other jurisdictions.

Ethanol, Ethanol News, Renewable Fuels Association, RFA