Glacial Lakes Energy Joins Carbon Capture Project

Cindy Zimmerman

Glacial Lakes Energy (GLE) of South Dakota has joined the partnership with Summit Carbon Solutions to make a clean energy source even more environmentally friendly.

Last week, Summit announced a carbon capture project that will result in an annual reduction of 10 million tons of carbon dioxide or the carbon footprint equivalent of 2 million autos. Glacial Lakes Energy has signed an offtake agreement with Summit to supply the carbon dioxide at its plants located in Huron, Aberdeen, Mina, and Watertown. This partnership will allow over 1.6 million tons of carbon dioxide to be captured, transported, and deposited deep underground through Summit’s transportation and storage platform which originates in Iowa and concludes in North Dakota. Capturing and storing carbon dioxide is viewed as a necessity toward lowering greenhouse gases and fighting climate change.

Glacial Lakes Energy four ethanol biorefineries in Watertown, Huron, Aberdeen, and Mina.

carbon capture, Ethanol, Ethanol News