Clean Fuels Conference 202

USDA Offers More Biofuels Infrastructure Grants

Cindy Zimmerman

The U.S Department of Agriculture has announced another round of funding for its successful Higher Blends Infrastructure Incentive Program, or HBIIP. Approximately $22 million is being made available for retailers to add higher ethanol blends like E15 and E85.

The application window will be open for 30 days starting December 21 and ending January 19. Ethanol organizations are offering help to retailers in the application process. Awards to successful applicants will be in the form of cost-share grants for up to 50 percent of total eligible project costs, but not to exceed $3 million.

The Renewable Fuels Association is urging retailers to act quickly.

“We are very proud of our earlier work that helped fuel retailers across the country successfully apply for and receive funding under the HBIIP grant program, and the RFA staff is ready to roll up its sleeves again to help retailers tap into the remaining funds available,” said RFA President and CEO Geoff Cooper.

American Coalition for Ethanol (ACE) Senior Vice President and Market Development Director Ron Lamberty hopes this new round provides a second chance for retailers who got started during the original 90-day time frame but couldn’t complete their grant applications before that window closed.

“We got feedback on the application process from marketers we worked with saying it took too long to gather the information they needed and get the ‘registrations’ they had to complete before they could even apply,” Lamberty said. “Those things are required to do business with the government, and most retailers weren’t expecting that.”

Click here for information about USDA’s HBIIP program.

ACE, biofuels, Ethanol, Ethanol News, RFA