Clean Fuels Conference 202

National Biodiesel Foundation Receives Grants

Cindy Zimmerman

The National Biodiesel Foundation has been awarded two Environmental Protection Agency grants through the 2021 Diesel Emissions Reduction Act (DERA) program.

The first is in partnership with the District of Columbia (DC) Department of Public Works and DC Department of Water. The second is with the Iowa Department of Transportation. The Foundation is also partnering with Optimus Technologies and Renewable Energy Group (REG) on projects supporting the purchase of new vehicles equipped to run on 100% biodiesel (B100).

The DC project will support the purchase of 24 short-haul utility replacement vehicles equipped with Selective Catalytic Reduction. The Iowa project will replace a multi-purpose vehicle in both Ames and Des-Moines. All replacement vehicles will use Optimus Technologies’ Vector system, allowing the vehicles to operate exclusively on 100% biodiesel to optimize fuel savings, increase performance, and reduce emissions. The projects include an educational effort to persons and organizations owning and operating the fleets and public outreach conducted through local partnerships.

Also partnering in the projects are Renewable Energy Group (REG), which is providing the B100 refueling infrastructure for the fleets. In DC, the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments and Greater Washington Regional Clean Cities Coalition will provide outreach and education. In Iowa, the Iowa Biodiesel Board and Iowa Renewable Fuels Association will assist in promoting the results and benefits of the Iowa DOT vehicles.

Biodiesel, NBB