Clean Fuels Conference 202

Commerce Maintains Duties on Argentine Biodiesel

Cindy Zimmerman

The U.S. Department of Commerce announced today a final determination in its “changed circumstances review” of antidumping duty (AD) and countervailing duty (CVD) orders on imports of Argentine biodiesel. As a result, the rates on biodiesel imports from Argentina will remain at their current levels.

National Biodiesel Board (NBB) is pleased with the decision.

Kurt Kovarik, NBB’s VP of Federal Affairs, said, “NBB’s Fair Trade Coalition fought hard for this outcome, and we certainly appreciate Secretary Wilbur Ross and the Trump administration for supporting U.S. biodiesel producers at a critical moment. We are grateful for their consistent willingness to listen to the U.S. biodiesel industry. The Department of Commerce took the time necessary to fully evaluate the status of Argentina’s export tax regime and make the right decision.

“Also critical to this outcome is the support and leadership of Senators Chuck Grassley and Maria Cantwell along with Representative Darren LaHood. We greatly appreciate their steadfast support for the U.S. biodiesel industry and America’s soybean farmers. U.S. biodiesel producers appreciate their help in amplifying the industry’s push for fair trade conditions.”

It was determined back in January 2018 that U.S. biodiesel producers were harmed by unfair trade practices and Commerce finalized antidumping and countervailing duty rates on Argentine biodiesel imports, ranging from 132.72% to 157.86%. In July 2019, Commerce issued a preliminary decision on Argentina’s request for a “changed circumstances” review that would have virtually eliminated CVD rates for Argentina’s biodiesel producers, while maintaining AD rates.

Today’s final determination maintains both AD and CVD rates and will be published in the Federal Register at a later date.

Biodiesel, NBB