During its fourth quarter meeting, the American Coalition for Ethanol (ACE) Board of Directors elected its Officers and Executive Committee for 2020.
Re-elected to serve as officers on the 2020 Executive Committee are:
Duane Kristensen, serving as ACE’s Board President. Kristensen is the General Manager and Vice President of Operations of Chief Ethanol Fuels, which owns a 70 million-gallon-per-year (MGY) ethanol plant in Hastings and a 40 MGY plant in Lexington, Nebraska.
Dave Sovereign, serving as Vice President of the ACE Board. Sovereign is Chairman of Golden Grain Energy’s Board, which owns a 120 MGY ethanol plant in Mason City, Iowa. Sovereign also serves on the board of Absolute Energy, a 125 MGY ethanol producer in St. Ansgar, Iowa.
Ron Alverson, serving as Treasurer of the ACE Board of Directors, represents Dakota Ethanol, which owns a 50 MGY plant in Wentworth, South Dakota.
Greg Krissek, CEO of the Kansas Corn Growers Association, serving as Secretary of the ACE Board of Directors.
Chris Wilson, General Manager of Mid-Missouri Energy, a 50 MGY plant in Malta Bend, Missouri, serving as an Executive Committee member on ACE’s Board.
Also elected to serve on the 2020 Executive Committee is Troy Knecht, South Dakota farmer, representing Redfield Energy, a 50 MGY ethanol producer in Redfield, South Dakota.