Clean Fuels Conference 202

National Biodiesel Board Elects New Leaders

Cindy Zimmerman

The National Biodiesel Board held its annual fall meeting this week in Washington D.C. to focus on policy initiatives and moving the industry forward. During the meeting, the membership elected representatives to serve on the Governing Board to help the development and success of biodiesel.

NBB members voted to fill seven board member spots for two-year terms:

Kent Engelbrecht, Archer Daniels Midland (ADM)
Chad Stone, Renewable Energy Group (REG)
Ryan Pederson, North Dakota Soybean Council
Harry Simpson, Crimson Renewable Energy
Paul Soanes, RBF Port Neches, LLC
Dave Walton, Iowa Soybean Association
Tim Ostrem, South Dakota Soybean Research and Promotion Council

Troy Alberts, Rob Shaffer, Jeff Lynn, Tim Keaveney, Greg Anderson, Mike Rath, Robert Morton, and Tom Brooks continue to serve on the board. The board also elected Chad Stone as Chairman, Mike Rath as Vice Chairman, Rob Shaffer as 2nd Vice Chairman, Ryan Pederson as Treasurer and Troy Alberts as Secretary.

Nebraska soybean farmer Greg Anderson has served on the board for many years and has been an active biodiesel supporter for decades. At the National Association of Farm Broadcasting (NAFB) Trade Talk last week, Anderson talked about the importance of the biodiesel industry to soybean farmers.

NAFB19 Greg Anderson, NBB soybean farmer leader
Audio, Biodiesel, NBB, Soybeans