Clean Fuels Conference 202

Stay Strong Nebraska Helping Farmers and Ranchers Rebuild

The flood waters may be receding, but the damage from them still remains and Nebraska farmers and ranchers will need help for some time yet to rebuild. “Stay Strong Nebraska” is an initiative created to do just that, providing easy access to the Nebraska Farm Bureau Disaster Relief Fund and Nebraska Cattlemen Disaster Relief Fund with all donations remaining in the state.

Federal officials estimate the bomb cyclone weather phenomenon and subsequent flooding caused $1.4 billion in damages in the state of Nebraska. The damage assessment accounts for livestock, crop loss and infrastructure damage, but does not reflect personal property losses such as homes and farm buildings. Steve Nelson, president of Nebraska Farm Bureau, has met with dozens of families in many of the agricultural communities impacted by the recent storms. Listen to the update he gave on the situation at last week’s Water for Food Conference in Lincoln.

WFF19 Presentation by Steve Nelson, Nebraska Farm Bureau

Nebraska Cattlemen is also taking action to help ranchers and cattlemen. Pete McClymont, executive vice president of Nebraska Cattlemen, said the response from the community has been generous and heart-warming. “Gifts received by Nebraska Cattlemen Disaster Relief Fund will be disbursed to cattle producers in need, regardless of membership in Nebraska Cattlemen,” said McClymont. “This entire process has been very humbling knowing some cattlemen and women that were heavily impacted have already turned away assistance. We want every rancher, farmer, producer that has been impacted to know there are monies for qualified applicants. Every dollar given to a fund was donated with those impacted in mind.”

Nebraska-based agency Swanson Russell is helping with the effort and has created some media materials for use, including radio and TV spots, and are encouraging people to use them and spread the word that donations are still needed.

Stay Strong Nebraska 30 second radio spot

Stay Strong Nebraska Media Kit

AgWired Animal, AgWired Energy, AgWired Precision, Audio