Clean Fuels Conference 202

Ethanol Report from Washington DC

Cindy Zimmerman

The Environmental Protection Agency continues to be a major source of frustration for the ethanol industry, as the agency gives with one hand and takes away with the other as it keeps granting waivers for refineries from their obligations to blend ethanol while it works toward allowing year round sales of E15.

Renewable Fuels Association president and CEO Geoff Cooper has been spending a lot of time in Washington D.C. lately, along with Senior Strategic Advisor Bob Dinneen, as they keep the pressure on EPA to be fair to the ethanol industry as farmers continue to struggle. In this edition of the Ethanol Report podcast, we hear from Cooper and Dinneen who dropped by the American Coalition for Ethanol Fly-in reception to visit with ethanol advocates taking their stories to Capitol Hill.

Ethanol Report from Washington D.C.

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