National Ag Day Honors Youth

The Agriculture Council of America (ACA) honored the winners of the 2019 National Ag Day video and written essay contest during the celebration in Washington DC this week, and also featured a youth panel discussion moderated by USDA Deputy Secretary Stephen Censky.

The theme for the video and essay contest this year was Agriculture: Food for Life. How does our nation lead the way? The theme presented an opportunity for students to address how American agriculture feeds the growing population. The national written essay winner was Grace Brose from Box Elder, South Dakota, who received a $1,000 prize and travel to Washington, D.C. to read her essay at the National Press Club event and take part in the panel discussion on issues and challenges in agriculture. The national video essay winner for 2019 is Jacob Kandell from Mason, Ohio who also received a $1,000 prize for his video.

Listen to Grace read her essay:
PlayGrace Brose Reads Her Essay

ACA chair Isabella Chism, American Farm Bureau Federation, presented Brose with her award. In this interview, she talks about the National Ag Day activities this week in D.C. and why ACA sponsors the event.
PlayInterview with Isabella Chism

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